Discover your most POTENT brand intel and how it has EVERYTHING to do with the DAY you were BORN. 
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birth chart branding

You’ve done the ideal client exercises and pinned the inspirational images.

You’ve spent many nights googling “what is a brand personality," “how to create a logo," or “tips for effective branding."

Your iNotes, and Google docs are filled with course, and Instagram post ideas, but you are IMMOBILIZED with INDECISION.    

So you decide TO DO NOTHING.

You know that thing where you're a breathwork facilitator, life coach, and you have a good thing going with that direct sales gig and you have no idea how to tie it all together, organize and position it in a way that feels clear to your clients and natural to you.

And once you understand this thumbprint, your website, Instagram posts, newsletters, and Tik Tok videos land in a way where YOUR people clearly UNDERSTAND what you do while feeling UNDERSTOOD. 

Your birth chart, Human Design chart and Gene Keys allow you to witness & contemplate yourself in ways that remain hidden because it's all you know. 

In other words, It's really hard to confidently & clearly showcase yourself if you don't fully see yourself. 

So as a personal brand the best place to start when creating an enchanting and engaging digital presence is in understanding YOURSELF.

It's NOT about the brand It's about YOU.   

Your brand is how you package yourself and your work. It’s your signature. It's your story.  It's your thumbprint.

Here's the thing...

Your birth chart is so much more than a MYSTICAL MAP.

As luck would have it...


This is a 75-minute, 1:1 call for the multi-passionate entrepreneur who has no idea how to connect all of their interests or what makes them unique in a way that's clear, connectable, captivating and COHESIVE. 

You see… When you understand your birth chart, Human Design Chart  and Gene Keys, you receive insight from the cosmic instruction manual you came here with to discover and (more often) validate your passions, personality & potential, so you have the confidence, clarity, and conviction to showcase the work you came here to do.

The first place to start for those who are immobilized with indecision.  Because... we cannot read the label from inside the bottle. 

The first place to begin on your branding journey.


Klara P.

I have 26 pages of takeaways! I'm saturated with takeaways and keep returning to them as I continue integrating them. 

One of my biggest takeaways was a tip on how to write an 'about me' page. The tips I got make so much sense, yet I've never seen an 'about me’ page created like this before.

The hard thinking and weaving insights from astrology with my self-knowledge were done so I could completely drop into the presence and relax about needing to figure things out by myself.

This was my first branding experience (of three so far) where my personality was considered. I was the driver with all my complexities and facets versus my ever-changing interests or a specific project or product.

One needs a branding session like this only once. This can be viewed as an upside because the insights last. But I see the downside of it too, because it turned out to be so good that I could do more!

Jenni June

Knowing my chart in the context of my brand was literally the missing piece of the puzzle. It was the roadmap I had been looking for and trying to piece together. I had been stuck in a loop of “who am I helping?” While feeling like what I was doing was off somehow. 

But after our session, I felt clarity within my bones and excitement about building my brand again! Which had kinda gone out the window for a while. I had been following how others had done it and trying to make their cookie-cutter outline work for me, which left me really feeling like brand jello and not aligned with my own being. 

Finding out my chart and its relation to my brand, who I am helping and how I’m doing it, gurrrrl, I am lit on fire with excitement for my biz again!
You helped to allow me to give myself permission to break the mold and act on my inner compass, permission to shake it up and follow my soul's path without it having to make sense to others- that that is my superpower!
