Build a brand that's a work of HEART.


Combining Astrology, Human Design, Coaching, and AI to create a clear, charismatic, cohesive and high-converting personal  brand. 

When you are CONNECTED to your brand, people are CAPTIVATED by your business.



Howdy, I'm the wizard behind Square Peg Studio, a brand-building hub where the cookie-cutter approach goes to die.  

I’m here to be the sherpa guiding entrepreneurs up the mountain of self-discovery, only to ski down the valley of kick-ass branding. I’m all about helping female solopreneurs create a clear, connectable, and cohesive brand by combining personal development and brand development.  

In short, I dig deep, real deep, to unearth the essence of your authentic self so you can confidently strut your brand in a way that turns heads and opens wallets.

So, I'm here for you if you’re ready to ditch the bland for a brand that’sso much more than your logo.  It is your LEGACY. 

Hey, I'm KELLI

Coach, Astrologer, Digital Designer, Copywriter, and Mentor

Here's to building a brand that is a work of heart.

If you're the coach who has oodles of passions, talents, education, and tools, but NO IDEA how to tie it all together, organize and position it in a way that feels clear to your clients and natural to you this is your starting point. 

Clearly seeing yourself through the lens of your Birth Chart, Human Design Chart, and Gene Keys offers potent brand intel, direction, and confidence needed to create a brand that is a work of HEART.   

Done-with-you brand clarity.


The program that teaches female solopreneurs how to create or improve their personal brand through using Astrology, AI, and storytelling to build a relatable and recognizable online presence that captivates, connects, and converts.

Done-with-you brand design and development. 

-Dani Cowan

Photographer // Life Designer // Philanthropist 

Like really getting to the root of WHY I do what I do and therefore who I can help, more specifically. You gave me a voice that I didn't really even know I had and someone it sounds totally like something I would say/ write. I was pleasantly surprised with how "me" it sounded, even coming from another completely different human who had only spoken with me for a matter of an hour or two. You are really the one who finally gave my business life because up until that point it was all just a bunch of jumbled ideas and passions in my head with no idea how to iterate what I wanted to do or who I could help in the process!

The clarity and voice I gained through working with you is worth more than anything to me. I finally feel confident in putting out a website and breathing some real-life into this crazy idea. 

kind words

More than just having kick-ass copy, you helped me understand ME and my passions on a deeper level.